Performance Of donor Funded Infrastructure Project In Zanzibar

Show simple item record Habib, Amina M 2022-07-22T13:22:38Z 2022-07-22T13:22:38Z 2021
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/191
dc.description.abstract This study concentrated on the Zanzibar Infrastructure Project financed by Donor Performance. Specifically, it evaluated normal processes among important players in Zanzibar in managing donor-funded infrastructure projects. In addition, during the execution of donor funded infrastructure projects in Zanzibar, it assessed efficiency in terms of cost and schedule factors. It also identified the difficulties experienced by donor-funded Zanzibar projects and suggested approaches to improve the efficiency of donor-funded Zanzibar infrastructure projects. Through case study design, the study used a quantitative research strategy. It was performed in Unguja Zanzibar and gathered its information through questionnaires, interviews and reviews of documentaries. Based on the findings, it was found that the financed or borrower nation should be responsible for the use of guidelines for the procurement of products and services linked to projects. Besides, it was concluded that failure to accept the specified guidelines may not prompt donors to respond timely on the agreed project. Consequently, such an experience may obstruct the implementation processes. Similarly, it was concluded that inadequate skills of the members at implementing unit, delay in delivery of materials, as well as bulky paper works, delay in payment of project funds, incapable project supervision team from the implementing unit, everything can influence the efficiency of projects funded by donors. Furthermore, it was concluded that several addendums to contractors and consultants with cost implications to the project and project completion have the share of poor achievement during the execution of projects. Based on the stated conclusion, it was recommended that stakeholders have to gain a better understanding of donor projects management. In addition, there is a need for administrative work to be given technical assistance by the donors to ensure easy implementation of the procedures and guidelines. It was also recommended that a transparent procurement process and use of helpful surveillance and assessment methods should be used throughout the projects for the timely completion of donor-funded projects. In addition, it was recommended that donor policies and processes be reformed and simplified to encourage collective behavior and gradual alignment with partner nations. Above all, the state should have the department of project planning and management to be equipped in project planning and management with skilled people. This is essential to manage projects funded by donors reasonably en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Ardhi University en_US
dc.subject Infrastructure projects en_US
dc.title Performance Of donor Funded Infrastructure Project In Zanzibar en_US
dc.title.alternative A Case Of Ministry Of Infrastructure Communication And Transportation MOICT) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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